Friday, May 9, 2014

Tim not learning from his federal brethren

Tim Hudak has not learned from Steve, Tony, or dead Jim, how to sell government service cuts to the voters.

The first rule is never to tell them that government services will be cut. You have to tell them that it's all just efficiencies and streamlining of backoffice work.

You also don't tell them how many government employees you're going to fire. You talk about reducing staff through attrition. Like everyone just decides to take one of those lower paying private sector jobs or retire on their big fat gold plated pension. You certainly don't come straight out with a scary number like a hundred thousand jobs eliminated.

And you absolutely don't tell the middle class parent that you're going to sack their kid's teacher, or that their 4 year old's Junior Kindergarten class is going to have unsafe staffing levels.

As with the union busting campaign he was on a few months ago, I think Tim has crossed the line here, from vague and abstract promises government savings to brutal facts that voters can see will impact their own, and other people's, lives.